Category Archives: Activities
Supernova through the ages conference
Pucón Symposium 2015
Pucón Symposium 2013
Between August 20-23 will be held the Pucón Symposium 2013: Advanced Tools Applied to Frontier Astronomy, BioMedicine and Massive Data-driven Sciences at the Villarrica Park Lake Hotel, near Pucón (Región de la Araucanía), Chile.
Pucón Symposium 2011
Between August 16th and 19th, a multidisciplinary group of scientists participated on the second version of Pucón Symposium, an activity organized by the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) with support from its National Laboratory for High Performance Computing (NLHPC), the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) observatory, REUNA and CONICYT. Continue reading Pucón Symposium 2011
Pucón Symposium 2009
Between August 6-9 was held the Pucón Symposium 2009: Advanced Mathematical Tools for Frontier Astronomy at the Villarrica Park Lake Hotel, near Pucón (Región de la Araucanía), Chile. Continue reading Pucón Symposium 2009